In high season the prices in St. Petersburg’s hotels are 1.5 times higher on average than in European hotels. Despite the opening of new hotels, there is still a lack of guest rooms that pushes the price up. According to…
70 New Hotels in Moscow
According to a plan approved by the Moscow authorities there will be opened 70 new hotels in the centre of Moscow. Their location has been approved as well. The chief architect of Moscow Alexander Kuzmin believes that hotels should be…
Kazakhstan Created Official Tourist Website
Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Kazakhstan started a website for travellers: It provides information about all regions of the country, attractions, tours, restaurants and clubs. Tourists can learn about all cultural events, read news, browse pictures. Virtual travel…
Hostels are to Open in Moscow
The Moscow authorities are planning to open a chain of hostels in Moscow, Chairman of the City Committee for Tourism Grigory Antyufeev has announced recently. Students will be able to stay in the capital of Russia for $15 per person…
Estonia Is Getting Ready For Euro
The European Commission has issued a final document according to which Estonia will switch to Euro from 1st January 2011, becoming the 17th country of the eurozone. The exchange rate is 15,6466 Estonian Kroon for 1 Euro. This rate hasn’t…