Aeroflot has introduced a special offer for flights from Moscow to London. The cost of a return ticket is 9,362 roubles (appr £200). This action followed a similar offer by another air company – bmi. Tickets are on sale until…
Performances of the President Cavalry Regiment on Red Square
This week visitors of Red Square are able to see performances of the President Cavalry Regiment Honorary Escort and the Kremlin riding school. The performances will be held from the 1st till 5th of September at specially assembled arena. The…
Prices in St. Petersburg’s Hotels are above the European
In high season the prices in St. Petersburg’s hotels are 1.5 times higher on average than in European hotels. Despite the opening of new hotels, there is still a lack of guest rooms that pushes the price up. According to…
70 New Hotels in Moscow
According to a plan approved by the Moscow authorities there will be opened 70 new hotels in the centre of Moscow. Their location has been approved as well. The chief architect of Moscow Alexander Kuzmin believes that hotels should be…
Aeroflot Increased Fees for Tickets Return
Aeroflot has increased fine for return tickets purchased at special rates. The increased fee for return tickets will be taken from August, 1st 2010. The charge for domestic flights varies from 500 to 900 Roubles (appr. £20) and from 15…